Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Double Date...

So I was supposed to go on a "double date" today. I'm not really sure how I exactly feel about said double date, buts seeing as how I haven't been on a real date in a year or so, I'm game for it. My friend's friend came out with her to the bar last week and brought his friend along. His friend we'll call Scotland. So Scotland takes the seat next to me, we have our little introductions at the table and whatnot, then started chatting. We seemed to hit it off in our general conversation, having similar music styles and humor. We spent most of the time joking around about karaoke songs and people singing. Once in a while our legs would sort of touch under the table or he would nudge me in the arm with a joke. Basically the whole time, I am thinking nothing of any of these things... I'm fairly oblivious when it comes to men and "signs" or whatever. So they end up having to cruise early, to which I hound Scotland about, knowing that he's a bartender and doesn't have to be up until the next afternoon. Anyway, they leave when I am in the bathroom, so I don't get to say goodbye. Again I don't think much of it, until my friend mentions that they said bye. She tells me that Scotland specifically told her to tell me goodbye... interesting. Then I start to think that he wasn't bad looking, we had fun, cool, he must dig me a little. Then, of course, my friends have to hassle me a little about it, making me get a little girlie smile on my face. I mean, it's been a while since I've had some attention from the opposite sex, of that nature. As the night went on I continued to drink and have a good time, but still thinking of Scotland in the back of my mind. Later I sent my friend a text, telling her that (if anyone asked) she's got my number to give out. To my surprise, she asks me if I want to go on a double date. Her and her friend, me and Scotland. And I was game. I already knew that we all would get along and at the least, it gets me out of the house. The next day (via text) she makes some plans. I was sure to ask her whether or not it was her idea for the date. She told me it was dude's idea and we settled on Wednesday. Now this being a Friday, I have all weekend and half of the week to get all worked up and stupidly giddy. Then Monday rolls around and I mention something to my roommate about the date biz. He tells me that our friend made it sound like the date wasn't going on. And since I hadn't heard anything along those lines, I decided to send her a message. Later in the evening I get a text from her, apologizing and saying that the date is probably not going to happen. Turns out that dude neglected to run this double date thing by Scotland. Oh and also that Scotland is "a big flirt". Well. Crap. That leaves me with shattered hopes of meeting someone nice, in a normal way, and making a go of it. Now I realize that I am taking this all way too seriously and shouldn't be planning mine and Scotland's wedding just yet, but really. It would have been nice to go on a date. And what kind of putz signs his friend up for a double date before asking him? Duh.

So as I sit here, slightly disappointed and more bored than not, I toy with the idea of revisiting my internet dating options. I am sort of a busy person and I like the idea of being able to preview my selections, so the internet seems like a reasonable choice. But then I remember just how ridiculous the internet and dating websites can be. I have a list of "winners" when it comes to online dating. This list we likely serve as my outline to the dating blogs I will be writing in the near future. All of these men were from either Craigstlist, Plenty of Fish, or OKCupid. Now I have nothing against any of the websites, but I must say that there definitely were some doosies!
Chronologically my encounters were as follows:
Foot Fetish
Microsoft Reject
Bar Buddy
The Cowboy
Peace Corps
Morocco Soccer
Drama King
The Gambler
Indie Rock
Booty Call
Turkish Pirate
Stage Hand

Each guy has a funny, if not creepy story to go with him.

Monday, December 13, 2010

When the "benefits" really aren't worth it...

So a few months ago I decided to reconnect with a guy that I had sort of dated. Let's call him FWB for now. It had been a year since we stopped talking and I don't know if it was out of curiosity or desperation that I emailed him. Either way, we ended up meeting at the SAM and then having some food/ drinks. I felt bad because I didn't really feel like there was much there anymore and maybe I was wasting both of our time. Then some time past and I sent him an email explaining that I was going through some personal issues and it wasn't fair of me to try to start up something that I had no intention of pursuing. This was completely true at the time. I was super depressed and had just started taking Zoloft. I didn't hear anything back from him, until recently. He said that he had wanted to respond to my email, but he got lazy, didn't know what to say, etc. No biggie. I wasn't expecting to get a response. About a month later he sent me a text to see how I was and how I felt, which led to us communicating rather frequently via text. Most of these texts were of a very general nature, just daily ho hum stuff. And there were a few flirty ones too. Eventually I went to hang out with him and ended up staying at his mom's place, on an air mattress. There's a reason we stayed there, not his actual place, but it is unimportant to the story, I guess. Maybe I will touch on that later. Anyway, we end up messing around a little and kissing. So I think to myself that we could definitely become "friends with benefits". I don't really want to date him, but it would be nice to have a little adult attention once in a while! Then he came over a couple of weeks ago and we had a some fun before and after going out to the bar. It worked out for what it was. We still were texting a bit back and forth and seemed on good terms. This brings us to last Wednesday.

I had plans to meet up with FWB at a concert. I was going with my best friend and some other guy friends (that FWB had met, the night he stayed over). Before the show had even started, he had be drinking, so I was getting some pseudo flirting texts. I had been drinking too, so I found them to be really funny. One of them said something about being drunk and fondling me when he saw me. Another was about "meeting up" in the bathroom. Which would have been hard considering the giant, separate sex facilities. I was fine with the texts and even slightly amused, but I definitely didn't want him to be pawing me in front of my friends or everyone else at the concert. Lucky for me, he did nothing of the sort. In fact he did the opposite and barely spoke to me. Whatever, we are at a concert, you can't expect too much conversation. In between bands, in the bar area, he decides that he wants to get my guy friends talking to girls (which they are not adverse to doing, but aren't exactly smooth talkers). So he starts trying to chat up random ladies, while we just kind of watch while sipping our beers. This continued through the whole evening. At one point he stopped over to our group, handed me a beer, then trailed off to a couple of women he had met earlier. My best friend was asking me if he thought he was making me jealous or something... I have no clue. If that was his intent, it was a bust. He should know that's I could care less what he does, even in my company, since we are not an item. And further more, it is totally not my style to fall for that kind of shit. He knows that I am not into games. As we are leaving (going to a bar that FWB suggested) he is no where to be seen. One of my friends tell me that they last saw him talking to some girl. Whatever. At this point, we are all pretty drunk and want to get more drunk. So we head to the bar with out him. We have some shots and some beers before I finally hear from him. He texts me to say that he is on his way and that he was talking to a girl. I attempted to tell him to bring her along, but I was in no shape to be forming sentences. By the time he got there, we were sufficiently drunk and I didn't care what was going on. He was pumped because he got the girls number. It didn't phase me, good for him. I knew that we would be going home separately, because I had my friend in town. And really, I didn't care to even talk much to him. I was having a fine time before he got there. I don't remember much of the conversation between FWB and I, but I definitely remember one of the guys saying that he thought FWB was a douche. Funny. He's a really nice guy, but he was kind of acting like a douche. Maybe it was the drinks giving him new found confidence or maybe he was trying to make me jealous. Either way, I was not impressed. So I ask myself, is it really worth the "benefits"? I'm gonna say no. And I guess that puts me back to square one in finding a new someone.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Just Breathe

Near the end of last year, I was under a lot of stress because I had been laid off, my roommate had moved out suddenly leaving me weeks to find a new one, and I had the entire responsibility of finalizing a divorce to handle. I was red-lining on stress, even for me. Curly decided he wanted to do something that would help me manage this stress. Unfortunately, he picked an activity guaranteed to make me grind my teeth – a partnered breathwork session for calming and centering oneself while connecting with a partner. Not how I wanted to connect with people at the time. Racquetball or a kick-boxing lesson would have been a better option. Given my temperament, entering me into a martial arts tournament like Blood Sport would have been closer to what I needed.

So, this outing was far outside my comfort range and every interaction between the two of us before we got there made it worse. Curly had forgotten that we needed to bring food to share, our own blankets and pillows, and he hadn’t gotten directions to the place yet. I try to use my phone to find the place and get told to “put my cute toy away” and let him do it. About then, he realizes that the location wasn’t in the Central District, it was somewhere in West Seattle. Jumping in the car, we try and fly but get jammed up by an eerie traffic snarl started by CSI-type vans investigating something on the railroad tracks. So, I pull out my cute toy phone, look up the number and call the place, asking if we should keep heading their way or reschedule for a different session.

Robyn, a co-facilitator answers the phone. "We'll just fold you in...oh wait, let me ask my transforming partner to see if he confirms my solution," she says. I’m personally glad that eye-rolling is silent. Any hope that I can avoid this evening is now dashed.

When we showed up, Robyn hugged me while asking if it was okay to hug me, right after Tim just finished his hello hug. I often wonder if there is a polite way to say no to that question but I haven’t found it yet and not from a lack of trying. Then I get asked if I want to change into something more comfortable...I’m wearing a t-shirt and jeans which *is* comfortable. I say as much and then get “folded” into the circle already in progress.

The group is sharing something that was an ecstasy and an agony for us; topics around the circle ranged from fear of failing as a parent to regaining repressed memories of a father. Everyone here is working on “processing” their current “life obstacles”. I don’t want to share personal feelings with total strangers so I mention that I had to stop playing soccer and that I was going back to college. I’m apparently not fit for this commune. Like a television cue, my talk of college draws another another couple to the door over an hour and a half late. They hadn’t called, they made no apologies and they were both Fairhaven students. (the college I’m returning to)

Now we moved on to the actual breathing/hyperventilating work and Curly informs me that I’m going first to “get it out of the way.” I’m close-minded and skeptical but I figured I was already there and should try to make the best of this experience anyhow. As I lay down on the table and started hyperventilating as instructed, the facilitators flipped on the Enya-triphop-birdsong-sampling-hell music and began wandering around the room “laying hands” on prone participants.

It is officially impossible for me to relax at this point as random people keep touching me while my eyes are closed. “You’re in a cocoon, you are safe,” they tell me. To make matters more like a bad sitcom, the guy on the other side of me is sobbing like someone made him kill a puppy with his bare hands and instead of being concerned for him, I’m wondering how he keeps managing to breathe like an old truck with a bad carburetor through it. A table down from him, a woman is screaming “NO” and continually rehearsing the orgasm scene from When Harry Met Sally. Distantly, I hear more moaning. As for me, all I’m feeling is blinding pain heating up in every part of my body that has ever been damaged (most of it) and the need to pee.

Eventually, I throw in the towel and sit up to use the restroom. The facilitators instruct Curly to go with me into the bathroom in case I pass out; he seems surprised when I shut the door in his face.

For the sake of brevity, I won’t share the sights I saw while he was on the table but at least it was interesting. (demon possession, dry humping and more screaming orgasms) Or detail my struggle not to crack up laughing. Eventually, the music stops and so does the breathing.

Finally, I think the night is over and we can leave but not before we gather back together to process our joint experience. The circle shares stories like gaining back repressed memories of dad, transcendental spaces created between the 3rd eye and heart-space only experienced during tantric sex, standing in the fear of not loving your children enough (crying guy),and flying from peak to peak climbed last year in Nepal (possessed dude). Then there is me, with nothing to share but pain and snark. I try to channel my mother who always manages to be polite and use her name like a mantra to help me spin my painful and awkward experience into positive reinforcement for taking time off of soccer.

Near escape velocity now I get interrupted as Tim, one of the facilitators, pulls me aside (literally) to tell me the following, "I know you're still grieving about giving up you athletics. You'll come through that to a calmer space without them" and gives me another unsolicited hug. I manage not to punch him in the nose and leave with a cheery wave.

Suffice to say that the ride home was silent.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Who knew Craig's List could be so entertaining?

I have a slight addiction to Craig's List. Basically once a day I check the missed connections and usually the men for women ads. I check out the casual encounters and sometimes I read the rants/ raves. I just like to see what kind of madness is lurking out there. For the most part I don't take it too seriously, but there is a small part of me that hopes one day, I'll be someone's missed connection (I just puked a little in my mouth, so I will understand if you do too). I wouldn't say I'm obsessed, but I definitely miss it if I don't look for a few days. I might have a problem...

Ok, anyway, I really had only used CL to find apartments, jobs, or random shit. I hadn't even really read the personals much. So I start browsing ads, seeing how people present themselves in an online format. I was amazed at the sheer volume of men seeking women ads. I mean, really? Tons. And people had their pictures on there! It was like people watching, but never having to leave the house. I distinctly remember being a little freaked out, but more importantly, highly entertained by the shit that people are willing to put out there. My favorite was a dude looking for nursing mothers, for breast milk. But he didn't just want to drink it, he wanted to suckle it. What the hell. That was one of my first times looking. Now I see that kind of post all the time. Do I think it's normal? Uh, no. But I've become desensitized. And who am I to say that is normal or not. If there is someone looking for breast milk and someone else wants to give it to him, then so be it. Whatever. If anything, I always feel much better about myself, knowing that there are tons of people out there way more fucked up than I am!

At this point in my life, I wasn't really full blown into the online date stuff yet. I was still holding out for meeting someone in real life. I actually thought I had an in with this guy that I met at a gay bar. He was like 1 of 3 or so straight men there. I was out with a bunch of my lesbian friends and we were at a bar/ club full of mostly gay men, so I wasn't scoping the scene at all. I ended up dancing with this cute dude for most of the night. I'm pretty sure he was really drunk and I'm sure I was too. He was a DJ, which I found to be extremely attractive. He leaves before I do, but gives me his number. I'm pretty pumped at this point, since I've never really had that happen before. As we are standing around, I realize that he's left his jacket. I grabbed it and was going to take it 0utside, but he was already walking my direction. I handed him the jacket, then he turned to leave again. So I decide to grab his ass. He then turns around to me with a big grin on my face and plants a big kiss, directly on my lips. It was awesome. Sometime after leaving the bar, I sent him a text so that he would have my number as well. I got up the guts to call in the next couple of days and we talked a bunch on the phone. We seemed to have a bunch of random stuff in common and similar humor. I was digging it. But he lived in Federal Way and I lived in Lynnwood. It wasn't exactly ideal for potentially hanging out. But we still talked every couple of days and for like 20 minutes at a time. Then he tells me that his phone will probably get shut off, because he didn't pay the bill... hmm. Ok. Well, I spent a week or 2 deciding if I thought his phone story was legit or not. I might have called once after that (to see if the phone was back in service), but I never heard from him again. I was a little disappointed. I should have been more disappointed in letting myself get so easily caught up in someone that I barely knew and had only talked to on the phone. Duh. But I can look about on that and realize that I wouldn't be caught dead waiting around for him to call me now. I can't remember his name... maybe Travis. Actually I think it was Jason. I'm not entirely sure. I always referred to him as "the DJ".

So where does one begin...

I'd like to think that there was a "starting point" and an "ending point" to my "dating" life. But really, I feel like I'm never really dating, just putting myself through misery. And sometimes (in that misery) I get laid. Most times though, I am piecing together what in the world I was thinking when I decided to make an effort at dating. By effort, I mean not wearing the same t-shirt I've worn for the last 6 years and possibly attempting to apply some make-up. It's been about a year since I last had a sort of date. Before that was a year or so of online "dating". In that time I only came close to a relationship twice. They were both named Jon and they were both for about 3 weeks (that is the extent of my long term relationship history). Along the way I had a bunch of ridiculous encounters and a couple not so bad ones. I guess I'll start with that...

I will warn you that I write like I talk/ think, so a lot of this will be run-on sentences and random collections of thoughts. I'm a tad A.D.H.D. and a bit wordy, but it all lends to the story. Let me also say that everything I write will be completely factual (as to the best of my memory) and I need not embellish anything. It's just that real people. Get ready!