I'd like to think that there was a "starting point" and an "ending point" to my "dating" life. But really, I feel like I'm never really dating, just putting myself through misery. And sometimes (in that misery) I get laid. Most times though, I am piecing together what in the world I was thinking when I decided to make an effort at dating. By effort, I mean not wearing the same t-shirt I've worn for the last 6 years and possibly attempting to apply some make-up. It's been about a year since I last had a sort of date. Before that was a year or so of online "dating". In that time I only came close to a relationship twice. They were both named Jon and they were both for about 3 weeks (that is the extent of my long term relationship history). Along the way I had a bunch of ridiculous encounters and a couple not so bad ones. I guess I'll start with that...
I will warn you that I write like I talk/ think, so a lot of this will be run-on sentences and random collections of thoughts. I'm a tad A.D.H.D. and a bit wordy, but it all lends to the story. Let me also say that everything I write will be completely factual (as to the best of my memory) and I need not embellish anything. It's just that real people. Get ready!
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