Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Double Date...

So I was supposed to go on a "double date" today. I'm not really sure how I exactly feel about said double date, buts seeing as how I haven't been on a real date in a year or so, I'm game for it. My friend's friend came out with her to the bar last week and brought his friend along. His friend we'll call Scotland. So Scotland takes the seat next to me, we have our little introductions at the table and whatnot, then started chatting. We seemed to hit it off in our general conversation, having similar music styles and humor. We spent most of the time joking around about karaoke songs and people singing. Once in a while our legs would sort of touch under the table or he would nudge me in the arm with a joke. Basically the whole time, I am thinking nothing of any of these things... I'm fairly oblivious when it comes to men and "signs" or whatever. So they end up having to cruise early, to which I hound Scotland about, knowing that he's a bartender and doesn't have to be up until the next afternoon. Anyway, they leave when I am in the bathroom, so I don't get to say goodbye. Again I don't think much of it, until my friend mentions that they said bye. She tells me that Scotland specifically told her to tell me goodbye... interesting. Then I start to think that he wasn't bad looking, we had fun, cool, he must dig me a little. Then, of course, my friends have to hassle me a little about it, making me get a little girlie smile on my face. I mean, it's been a while since I've had some attention from the opposite sex, of that nature. As the night went on I continued to drink and have a good time, but still thinking of Scotland in the back of my mind. Later I sent my friend a text, telling her that (if anyone asked) she's got my number to give out. To my surprise, she asks me if I want to go on a double date. Her and her friend, me and Scotland. And I was game. I already knew that we all would get along and at the least, it gets me out of the house. The next day (via text) she makes some plans. I was sure to ask her whether or not it was her idea for the date. She told me it was dude's idea and we settled on Wednesday. Now this being a Friday, I have all weekend and half of the week to get all worked up and stupidly giddy. Then Monday rolls around and I mention something to my roommate about the date biz. He tells me that our friend made it sound like the date wasn't going on. And since I hadn't heard anything along those lines, I decided to send her a message. Later in the evening I get a text from her, apologizing and saying that the date is probably not going to happen. Turns out that dude neglected to run this double date thing by Scotland. Oh and also that Scotland is "a big flirt". Well. Crap. That leaves me with shattered hopes of meeting someone nice, in a normal way, and making a go of it. Now I realize that I am taking this all way too seriously and shouldn't be planning mine and Scotland's wedding just yet, but really. It would have been nice to go on a date. And what kind of putz signs his friend up for a double date before asking him? Duh.

So as I sit here, slightly disappointed and more bored than not, I toy with the idea of revisiting my internet dating options. I am sort of a busy person and I like the idea of being able to preview my selections, so the internet seems like a reasonable choice. But then I remember just how ridiculous the internet and dating websites can be. I have a list of "winners" when it comes to online dating. This list we likely serve as my outline to the dating blogs I will be writing in the near future. All of these men were from either Craigstlist, Plenty of Fish, or OKCupid. Now I have nothing against any of the websites, but I must say that there definitely were some doosies!
Chronologically my encounters were as follows:
Foot Fetish
Microsoft Reject
Bar Buddy
The Cowboy
Peace Corps
Morocco Soccer
Drama King
The Gambler
Indie Rock
Booty Call
Turkish Pirate
Stage Hand

Each guy has a funny, if not creepy story to go with him.

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