Monday, December 6, 2010

Who knew Craig's List could be so entertaining?

I have a slight addiction to Craig's List. Basically once a day I check the missed connections and usually the men for women ads. I check out the casual encounters and sometimes I read the rants/ raves. I just like to see what kind of madness is lurking out there. For the most part I don't take it too seriously, but there is a small part of me that hopes one day, I'll be someone's missed connection (I just puked a little in my mouth, so I will understand if you do too). I wouldn't say I'm obsessed, but I definitely miss it if I don't look for a few days. I might have a problem...

Ok, anyway, I really had only used CL to find apartments, jobs, or random shit. I hadn't even really read the personals much. So I start browsing ads, seeing how people present themselves in an online format. I was amazed at the sheer volume of men seeking women ads. I mean, really? Tons. And people had their pictures on there! It was like people watching, but never having to leave the house. I distinctly remember being a little freaked out, but more importantly, highly entertained by the shit that people are willing to put out there. My favorite was a dude looking for nursing mothers, for breast milk. But he didn't just want to drink it, he wanted to suckle it. What the hell. That was one of my first times looking. Now I see that kind of post all the time. Do I think it's normal? Uh, no. But I've become desensitized. And who am I to say that is normal or not. If there is someone looking for breast milk and someone else wants to give it to him, then so be it. Whatever. If anything, I always feel much better about myself, knowing that there are tons of people out there way more fucked up than I am!

At this point in my life, I wasn't really full blown into the online date stuff yet. I was still holding out for meeting someone in real life. I actually thought I had an in with this guy that I met at a gay bar. He was like 1 of 3 or so straight men there. I was out with a bunch of my lesbian friends and we were at a bar/ club full of mostly gay men, so I wasn't scoping the scene at all. I ended up dancing with this cute dude for most of the night. I'm pretty sure he was really drunk and I'm sure I was too. He was a DJ, which I found to be extremely attractive. He leaves before I do, but gives me his number. I'm pretty pumped at this point, since I've never really had that happen before. As we are standing around, I realize that he's left his jacket. I grabbed it and was going to take it 0utside, but he was already walking my direction. I handed him the jacket, then he turned to leave again. So I decide to grab his ass. He then turns around to me with a big grin on my face and plants a big kiss, directly on my lips. It was awesome. Sometime after leaving the bar, I sent him a text so that he would have my number as well. I got up the guts to call in the next couple of days and we talked a bunch on the phone. We seemed to have a bunch of random stuff in common and similar humor. I was digging it. But he lived in Federal Way and I lived in Lynnwood. It wasn't exactly ideal for potentially hanging out. But we still talked every couple of days and for like 20 minutes at a time. Then he tells me that his phone will probably get shut off, because he didn't pay the bill... hmm. Ok. Well, I spent a week or 2 deciding if I thought his phone story was legit or not. I might have called once after that (to see if the phone was back in service), but I never heard from him again. I was a little disappointed. I should have been more disappointed in letting myself get so easily caught up in someone that I barely knew and had only talked to on the phone. Duh. But I can look about on that and realize that I wouldn't be caught dead waiting around for him to call me now. I can't remember his name... maybe Travis. Actually I think it was Jason. I'm not entirely sure. I always referred to him as "the DJ".

1 comment:

  1. You totally reminded me that I need to write about "Red" and "Oscars"(the only names I can remember for two guys) and the CL phenomenon of wiener pixels.
