Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Responding to my first CL ad

Newly Single and Looking -
A simple headline that drew me in with hints of shared pain and experiences. I had just broken up with my boyfriend of almost 3 years in the past 2 weeks. Maybe this guy and I could at least chat and have dinner.

Nothing gets you over a breakup and the resulting down on yourself feeling faster than realizing that other people still think you are worth being around. I know folks, it's a poor excuse for true self esteem, but after this last break up, I'd take any dose of good I could get.

So I responded to Music Man, just told him about my new year's resolution not to do the LTR thing for a year, how I was learning to arrange my life without thinking about someone else for a change, and that I liked to roller skate. He responded and we exchanged emails that grew longer and longer. He had broken up with his girlfriend of 10 years...

Let me just say that again: He had broken up with his girlfriend of 10 years.

It was safe to say that this meant he was more damaged goods than I was, but it also meant I got the chance to play my favorite role - crazy fun sprite-like girl.

Okay, with this spirit possessing me, we make the first date for a sushi joint. He can't eat with chop sticks, but he's game to try. Bonus points for him.

Oh, a little side note: if you like sushi or something similar that requires unusual utensils, this makes a fantastic first date. Even if they are a dud, watching them struggle with the chopsticks should liven up your night.

We chatted and it was nice. Afterwards we wandered around the UVillage and swapped crazy ex's stories. I still hadn't made a decision about him yet.

Then he did it; he called her his girlfriend.

It just kind of hung there in the air...until I busted up laughing. Music Man had placed himself firmly into my friend zone with that comment. Which isn't a bad place to be.

Well, CL, you didn't get me laid, but I didn't get killed by some psycho and I did welcome a new friend into the fold. Dating mission #1 accomplished.

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