Monday, November 15, 2010

Sometimes it takes a Tranny to help you find your way to the "Friend Zone"

So I'm on the third date, We have been on one date in my neck of the woods and I have traveled upstate to his neck of the woods and now it's time for the date where I meet all his friends. It's a house party and they have set up the karaoke machine. No big deal I can sing but it is always awkward to sing for like 8 people. Everyone is quite nice and I have enjoyed meeting them all. I think it was the best date so far because the guy I had been seeing (let's call him Shazbot) has finally loosened up at this party and seems to really be acting like himself instead of acting like a nervous wreck. So it gets to the end of the party and it's just me, Shazbot and one of the hosts of the party we'll call him Barry. Now Barry appears to be a very handsome and sweet young man but Barry has been chugging beers all night long and from what I have heard from Barry's girlfriend he does not do this very often. So I'm standing on the steps outside with Shazbot and out comes Barry to have a cigarette. Barry says to Shazbot "So why haven't you kissed her yet? She seems nice we all liked her, What's wrong no chemistry?" So we are both are staring at Barry a bit mortified so I say "I don't know he hasn't' put the moves on me yet" thinking this will be the end of it. Oh No, Barry is no where from done with this bout of diarrhea of the mouth. The next thing Barry said was not something I was expecting. "MsDmode did you know that I'm a pre-op transsexual female to male?" to which I said "no I just met you tonight I just thought you were a handsome young man." So Barry proceeds to go on and on about since he used to be a woman he can relate to what we are both feeling. I'm thinking if you related so well to women why are you now a man but I digress. Barry also goes on and on about other girls Shazbot has been dating off the website we met on and then goes on and on about how we should just fuck and get it over with. At this point I'm thinking this date is doomed and I just let Barry go on and on with his drunk self because at this point I think this is too funny and it can't get any worse. Needless to say after this date the relationship moved into the friend zone and now Shazbot and I just trade knowledge about Doctor Who and Zombie lore. Thank you Barry for awkwardly landing this relationship square in the friend zone.

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